Age of Ultron #3 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #3 courtesy Marvel

Remember when the Hulk slammed Loki like a rag doll in The Avengers movie? Wait until you see the Red Hulk grabbing and smashing the Avengers’ greatest enemy in this new preview art from Age of Ultron #3 courtesy Marvel!

Age of Ultron #3 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #3 courtesy Marvel

When the Age of Ultron begins next month – the monstrous machine takes over Earth and decimates nearly all heroes who stand against him in part one of the series by Brian Michael Bendis and Bryan Hitch.

Tony Stark is seen cradling She-Hulk Continue reading HULK SMASH ULTRON?

Marvel FIRST? A Major Crossover Teased!


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Marvel appears to be teasing a major crossover starring the most iconic and new characters.

This FIRST image features the names of Marvel’s biggest stars with the description:

“Begin with the best super heroes in comics–Marvel does it first!

Huge story coming soon to fans, worldwide.”

Could this be the company-wide reboot with all brand new first issues that was rumored to be happening when Marvel Now was announced?

The art looks like the “…of the Dead” teaser that came out late last week so are the two teasers connected?

Continue reading Marvel FIRST? A Major Crossover Teased!


Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

A comic book event so big it deserves a big trailer! Marvel has premiered this sneak peek for what could be the biggest story of 2013! Age of Ultron #1 by Brian Michael Bendis and Bryan Hitch! The greatest Avengers villain (in my opinion) takes over! Evil wins. The machine monstrosity and his army of robots have conquered  Continue reading AGE OF ULTRON Trailer

AGE OF ULTRON Which Heroes Will Submit or Perish?

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

  Heroes of the Marvel Universe are about to be devastated by the Avengers’ greatest enemy. This March Brian Michael Bendis and Bryan Hitch usher in the Age of Ultron.

  AU SP RH Bendis has revealed that Ultron has already won when the series begins. The big question is which heroes will survive the insane android’s wrath? From the new Marvel images is appears Black Widow and Red Hulk are leading the resistance. Before the series is over which heroes will submit or perish?

By Editor

Marvel Comics Most Anticipated 2013

Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel Now continues with more new relaunches and brand new series in 2013 but this year will mark the return of the Avengers’ greatest enemy!

Age of Ultron! No planning. No build up. The robotic menace hase already won on page one of Age of Ultron. The long-awaited epic series reunites Brian Michael Bendis and Bryan Hitch.

Young Avengers! Kid Loki gets a new group of young heroes together to kill Wiccan? The Scarlet Witch’s son and his boyfriend Hulkling and Kate Bishop are joined by new recruits Miss America and Noh-Varr. Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie (Phonogram) are the new creative team on the new Young Avengers coming January 23.

Marvel Goes Cosmic and Gets Spacey! Brian Michael Bendis and Steve McNiven relaunch Guardians of the Galaxy with new member Iron Man. Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness blast a brand new Nova series with a new young hero under the helmet.

Fearless Defenders! Cullen Bunn assembles Marvel’s finest female heroes in a brand new series starring Valkyrie, Misty Knight and Dani Moonstar! I’m hoping he’ll bring back Hellcat for a reunion with Val!

X-Termination: Alpha #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Termination: Alpha #1 courtesy Marvel

X-Termination! Mutants from multiple dimensions clash in the crossover between X-Treme X-Men, Astonishing X-Men and Age of Apocalypse in March.

Superior Spider-Man! Apologies to hardcore Peter Parker fans but imagine how much fun this could be? Feel the ick when Doc Ock kisses MJ! Root for Otto to get busted or is it possible you could end up rooting for this new “hero” in the suit?

Uncanny X-Men! Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo relaunch the flagship X-book starring Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto and Magik after the finale of the first arc of All-New X-Men starring the original X-Men.

By Editor

Here are my most anticipated 2013 DC Comics books and events.

AGE of ULTRON! New Art!

Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

 The greatest Avengers enemy (in my opinion) is back in 2013 and no hero in the entire Marvel Universe is safe! Brian Michael Bendis unleashes the android with issues in Age of Ultron #1 this March. The robot has apparently downloaded his evil into an army of Ultrons.


Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

  In an earlier interview Bendis revealed that this 10 part series takes place in the Marvel Now continuity. Comics Newsarama scored some incredible images by Bryan Hitch from the premiere issue.  

Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

 The Age of Ultron begins this March. What will this event mean for the Marvel Universe?

By Editor



Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

2013 will be the Age of Ultron! Brian Michael Bendis and Bryan Hitch reunite to reinvent the classic Avengers villain in a 10 issue limited series kicking off in March. Hitch draws the first five issues. Carlos Pacheco and Brian Peterson complete the second half of the series. Bendis and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort talked about the scope and impact on the entire universe on

  “Age of Ultron is about Ultron, one of our biggest villains ever, finally fulfilling his destiny, which is taking the Earth. From the very first page, Ultron has taken the Marvel Universe and everything is changed. There is a shocking amount of destruction and devastation. It started in Avengers, but it’s meant to be a Marvel Universe book. It starts everyone,” said Bendis, “This was never supposed to be my last Avengers story, it was always meant to be a Marvel Universe event.”


Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

In past events we’ve seen the slow buildup of the enemy. The writer explains that this time – it’s very different: “What would it be like to wake up one morning and have one of the Marvel Universe’s biggest villains have just taken over? How will people react?”

 “This isn’t a story where the Skrulls are invading. We cut right to the chase. We’re already past that and Ultron is already here. He’s already put his footprints on the landscape. You’re immediately thrust into the heart of crazy events and things are going a million miles an hour,” adds Brevoort.


Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

The editor and writer confirmed this happens in continuity in the contemporary Marvel NOW! Marvel Universe.

  You probably won’t need the back story but the creators say the seeds of this epic go back to the first arc of Mighty Avengers by Brian and Frank Cho, but the most direct prologue is Avengers #12.1, aka a Free Comic Book Day issue.

Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

“Tony Stark knew the next time Ultron came back we wouldn’t be ready. This is that time,” said Bendis. 

  As soon as you say Ultron you immediately think of Vision, Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne but the new threat from the metal madman will affect every Marvel hero.

 “It’s fair to say this is an Avengers Vs. X-Men level event. That doesn’t mean we won’t be doing other things later in 2013, but it’s Brian, Bryan, Brandon, Carlos and all the ingredients needed for a big deal project,” said Brevoort.

  “If you go back to the earliest Ultron stuff, he has severe daddy issues, even for a Marvel character, and they all have daddy issues. His logic is that the only thing standing in the way of the Earth being what it can be is humanity. I’m kind of obsessed with artificial intelligence in the real world and why people are scared of it. If there were a Marvel Singularity, it would be from Ultron. This is the moment technology takes over in a hostile way,” said Bendis. 

Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

  “To write a story like this is incredibly scary, because Ultron coming at us with everything he has is the end of the Marvel Universe. We’re doing it,” said Bendis, “This ending is a whopper. And I’ll go ahead and say it: You can’t guess it. I’m involved in it and even I am going ‘Really?'”

  “I could not be more excited for this book to hit the stands. Literally not a day has gone by over the last year where people haven’t asked me when it was coming. I know that people are looking forward to it, so to finally debut it and for it to be, I imagine, much more than people thought it was going to be, is great. It’s beautiful. It takes one of Marvel’s classic villains to a level he’s never been before, takes the heroes to a place they’ve never had to go, and ends in a way you will never guess,” said Bendis. 

  Age of Ultron begins with 3 issues in March 2013. The team confirmed tie-in issues in current series and some limited tie-in series.

For the entire liveblog here’s the link.

By Editor