Top Comic Book Picks for May 15, 2013


Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #23 courtesy Marvel
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #23 courtesy Marvel

Age of Ultron #8 Wolverine went back in time to stop Hank Pym from creating Ultron! The result may be even worse! Witness the new Marvel Now when a founding Avenger now runs the world with an iron fist and an army of twisted versions of your favorite heroes!

Battlestar Galactica #1 A brand new comic book series based on the original television series set in continuity by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning! These duo knows something about sci-fi (Guardians of the Galaxy, Annihilation, Legion of Super-Heroes.)

Fatale #14 Flashback to World War Two with a Nazi cult and monsters plus Jo’s horrific encounter with a evil force will haunt her throughout time.

Nightwing #20 Dick Grayson has been far too many deaths that hit close to home! Now an influential figure from his haunted past is resurrected! How will this change Nightwing and his mission?

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #23 Does Miles Morales give up the power and responsibility? What tragedy could make Miles quit? Plus, Ultimate Cloak 7 Dagger!

X-Factor #256 The End of X-Factor is coming! Which of your favorite mutant misfit detectives will survive the Hell on Earth War? Who will make the ultimate sacrifice to save the world and who will seize the throne of Hell?

By Editor

ANGELA by Joe Quesada

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Big changes are coming to the Marvel Universe in the aftermath of Age of Ultron! The biggest surprise is the Marvel debut of a classic character from the Image mythos. Now we see her!

Marvel unveiled the new look of Angela by Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada. Created by Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane of Spawn, this warrior angel makes her Marvel debut in Age of Ultron #10 this June. Quesada is among the all-star roster of artists contributing to the AoU finale.

“Angela is going to make her mark rather quickly. She’s going to hit the ground running and cut a large swath through the Marvel Universe, both literally and metaphorically,” explained Joe Quesada, Chief Creative Officer, Marvel Entertainment. “We have huge plans for her, and the mystery of Continue reading ANGELA by Joe Quesada

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for May 1, 2013

ageofultron7 wolverineAge of Ultron #7  Ultron conquered Earth. Heroes died. Captain America led a squad into the future stop the android while Wolverine went into past to stop Hank Pym from ever creating the artificial intelligence. After Logan’s shocking act in the last issue –  what are the consequences? How has the Marvel Universe been changed?

All-New X-Men #11 One of the original X-Men switched sides! Are Cyclops’s new recruits already regretting their call to join his revolution? Jean Grey pushes her powers! Is Brian Michael Bendis setting the stage for an all-new take on the Dark Phoenix?

Harbinger Wars #2 Toyo Harada, Project Rising Spirit and Bloodshot in a war for control of a group of powerful young Harbingers. The big Valiant crossover continues as all the forces execute their agendas but what if these frightening powerful kids unleash their own agenda? Can Peter and his Renegades save the kids?

The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics
The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics

The Movement #1 Trailblazing writer Gail Simone launches a brand new comic book with a political edge! What happens when the disenfranchised have super powers and take their fight to the One Per Cent?

Ten Grand #1 J. Michael Stracynski. Ben Templesmith. A mob enforcer’s one last kill leads to a demonic deal with angels. What would you endure for the one you love? Superhero action and supernatural chills mark the return of Joe’s Comics!

By Editor

Age of Ultron Marvel C2E2 Panel

Age of Ultron #7 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #7 courtesy Marvel

The big event shaping the Marvel Universe right now is Age of Ultron. Heores and villains face the aftermath of Wolverine’s shocking event in next week’s issue. At Marvel’s Age of Ultron panel at C2E2 in Chicago Marvel creators teases what’s next as the second half of event rolls ahead and face fan questions.

Uncanny Avengers #8AU by Rick Remender and Deadpool writer Gerry Duggan will tie in to the current Uncanny Avengers arc and Age of Ultron as Kang takes out the Apocalypse Twins to do some killing.

In Fearless Defenders #4Au Phil Jimenez joins writer Cullen Bunn for a issue focusing on the new member of the team: Hippoylta, Warrior Woman.

The big finale, Age of Ultron #10 by Brian Michael Bendis will have  Continue reading Age of Ultron Marvel C2E2 Panel

Phil Jimenez Exclusive! Character Design at Fan Expo Vancouver

Phil Jimenez at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend
Phil Jimenez at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend

Acclaimed artist Phil Jimenez (Fairest, Wonder Woman, New X-Men) has transformed Warrior Woman! It’s the latest character redesign victory in a stellar comic book career.

Jimenez recently made his first trip to Vancouver, B.C. to appear at Fan Expo Vancouver. Along with sketching for fans and signing comic books Jimenez appeared on a Sketch Duel panel with Stephen Sadowski (JSA, Starman, Avengers) that was an insightful and hilarious highlight of the Expo.

Jimenez and Sadowski are known for their popular redesigns of characters so the first half of the sketch duel challenge was to give a B (or C or maybe D level depending on your opinion) character a new look while they shared insights on their design work and answered fan questions.

After a wave of suggestions from the audience (including Modok, Ma Hunkel, Booster Gold and Legion – that was mine) Jimenez decided on Dazzler and Sadowski took on Jack of Hearts!

As the sketching began Jimenez revealed how fashion design and trends have affected his work citing a Donna Troy look he said was inspired by Emma Peel (played by Diana Rigg) of The Avengers (as in the classic British series!) He went on to say how comics should be fantastical and his design influence was more haute couture than ready to wear.

Sadowski revealed his new takes on Atom Smasher and Hawkgirl on his JSA run as his favorite character redesigns. Busts and body images of female superheroes was a popular audience topic. Sadowski shared that he fought to give Kendra smaller breasts because he felt it would be more appropriate for her hawk-like appearance and the need to be more aerodynamic.

The first half hour ended with a Sadowski revealing a bolder, cleaner and more built version of Jack of Hearts while Jimenez went retro giving the Disco Dazzler big sunglasses and Farrah Fawcett inspired hair!

Dazzler by Phil Jimenez, photo by ComicsBlend
Dazzler by Phil Jimenez, photo by ComicsBlend

The second half hour was the most unique version of Pictionary you might ever experience. The audience submitted comic book characters, iconic weapons (like Thor’s hammer) or items of a costume (I chose Storm’s headpiece) on cards. Mystique and Wonder Woman cosplayers joined Team Jimenez while Beast and one of a trio (imagine an all male version of the X-Men’s Stepford Cuckoos) of Phoenixes played on Team Sadowski.

Jimenez vs. Sadowski sketch duel at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend
Jimenez vs. Sadowski sketch duel at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend

Continue reading Phil Jimenez Exclusive! Character Design at Fan Expo Vancouver

What If the Marvel Universe Rebooted?

The creative minds at Marvel Comics may be orchestrating the greatest “What If?” story of all time? Is Marvel time twisting their comic book universe into a reboot of the entire line? When Marvel Now was announced fans speculated a major reboot was coming. Brian Michael Bendis teased that the finale of Age of Ultron is “unguessable.”

Could decades of history and continuity be burned away for a whole new beginning?

Kang in Young Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel
Kang in Young Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel

Let’s take a look at what’s happening and coming:

Kang The time traveling manipulator is the mastermind of Rick Remender’s latest Uncanny Avengers arc. Kang has seized the Apocalypse Twins and manipulate an 11th century battle between Apocalypse and Thor. Odin warned that the arrogant young Thunder God’s victory will have a price.

All-New X-Men Beast went back in time to bring the original five X-Men into the present. The best laid plan backfired and was powerfully written by Brian Michael Bendis. Young Jean Grey’s telepathic powers triggered earlier than it had in real Marvel history and she doesn’t have Professor Xavier to train her. Jean has assumed control of the teen X-Men and declared they will stay in the present – their future.

Age of Ultron Before I continue here’s a




IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AGE OF ULTRON #6 THEN STOP READING! Continue reading What If the Marvel Universe Rebooted?

Wolverine vs. Wolverine in Age of Ultron

Age of Ultron #7 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #7 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine may have finally gone to far this time! Who will make Logan pay for his act? How about Wolverine?

Take a look at the cover of Age of Ultron #8 as Logan guts Logan courtesy Marvel.

Captain America took a small band of heroes into the future to stop Ultron. Logan went into the past to stop Hank Pym from creating the insane android who has conquered the Marvel Universe and killed millions.






HERE IT IS: Continue reading Wolverine vs. Wolverine in Age of Ultron