Fabian Nicieza returns to Marvel and the twisted alternate universe he created in Age of Apocalypse.
The Secret Wars Warzone book revisits the epic world in which Professor X never existed and Apocalypse seized control of the world.
Without Xavier, Beast, Cyclops and Havok became servants of Mister Sinister. Magneto led his own X-Men including Rogue, Sabretooth, Storm, Quicksilver, Banshee, Blink, Wild Child and Dazzler.
In the new story, Marvel and Nicieza says the most underestimated mutant may be critical to defeating En Sabah Nur: Cypher aka Doug Ramsey. How can a mutant with such a non-aggressive power be key to defeating an Omega level mutant like Apocalypse?
“The only thing I’ll say is that Doug Ramsey can not only interpret all languages, he can also discern the intent behind the words spoken,” Nicieza told Marvel.com. “That’s a very important power to have when one group of mutants is trying to find out what secret weapon the humans seem to be working towards and another group of mutants is trying to convince everyone that Apocalypse is bat-crap crazy!”
Watch for Age of Apocalypse later this summer, Years of Future Past and X-Tinction arrive next week.
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