The Man of Steel and Amazon Princess in double trouble against classic and new villains!
Here’s a look at two big issues coming from DC this February:
Superman/Wonder Woman #5 by Charles Soule, Tony Daniel and Batt continues the battle between DC’s super couple and the reunited Kryptonian killers!
“Faora has joined Zod – and now, Earth must kneel before their combined might! Even Superman and Wonder Woman can’t stop their plan for the Phantom Zone!”

Then in Superman Unchained #7 by Scott Snyder, Jim Lee and Scott Williams – Diana and Bruce Wayne join Kal-El in the first arc of this superstar new book:
“Rampage in the Batcave! It’s come to this: Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman against Wraith! Alone, they wouldn’t have a chance – but they don’t have much of one together, either! And all the while, Lex Luthor’s machinations are clicking into place…”
By Editor