Who would win a fight between Batman and Superman?
It’s an age-old question we may get the answer to in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in 2016.
We may get the answer even sooner in Batman #36 this week!
But this battle has a toxic twist:
The Man of Steel is under the influence of the Joker in this Endgame, Part Two preview courtesy BuzzFeed.
The highly anticipated first chapter of Endgame revealed Batman fighting for his life against the Justice League. Bruce’s friends were all under the Joker’s control.
While we never saw the classic rogue – Superman’s look and grin was unmistakable. The powerhouse Man of Steel is now Joker’s puppet but don’t count Bruce out – especially with his new armor.
The battle continues this week in Batman #36 on Wednesday. This could give us a hint of the cinematic battle between the two titans in 2016.
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