Otto Octavius will encounter a truly Superior Spider-Man. Miguel O’Hara aka Spider-Man 2099 guest stars in a 3-part epic kicking off in Superior Spider-Man #17.
I wanted to share part of this new interview with writer Dan Slott explaining the difference between the three men behind the masks on Marvel.com:
“Spider-Man 2099 has always been a fun dichotomy,” Slott says. “He’s the flip side of Peter Parker. As Miguel O’Hara he’s flippant and sarcastic. As Spider-Man, he’s silent, straight down to business. For Peter, becoming Spider-Man opened him up, allowed him to be funny and zany and wacky and quippy. Spider-Man 2099 is the exact opposite.”

“He’s the Superior Spider-Man; he doesn’t see the need for humor whatsoever,” says Slott of Octavius.
“Right now he’s at a point when he has no Peter Parker in his brain at all anymore. He’s really reverting to a hardcore Doc Ock way of doing things. He’s got his henchmen now, his secret base, giant spider robots. He’s still fighting the good fight, but he’s clearly doing so as Otto Octavius. There’s no hint of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.”
The story reveals that Slott was a Marvel staffer when Miguel and the Marvel 2099 line (with future versions of X-Men, Doom, Punisher, Ghost Rider) was developed. Peter David and Rick Leonardi created Spider-Man 2099.
The meeting of the Spider-Men arrives September 4th.
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