A giant web of announcements for the web-slinger! Big changes coming in Superior Spider-Man #9, a brand Superior Foes of Spider-Man series by Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber and now Superior Spider-Man is gunning for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!
In order to beat them, he’s going to join them! Chris Yost and David Lopez team up for a brand new series starring the webslinger.
“SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN TEAM-UP #1 takes fans across the entire Marvel Universe and pits Superior Spider-Man against heroes and foes you wouldn’t necessarily think he’d rub shoulders with,” explains Stephen Wacker, Senior Editor, Marvel Entertainment. “More and more people in the Marvel Universe are starting to sense a change in Spider-Man, and being able to see Chris put Spidey in those situations is going to have my inbox full of team-up requests! So stay strong Songbird fans!”
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #1 swings into comic book shops this July – part of Superior Spider-Man month.
By Editor