Avengers: Age of Ultron promo art courtesy Marvel
Avengers: Age of Ultron promo art courtesy Marvel

The war for superhero cinema domination is on!


Warner Brothers/DC moved Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice from the same date as Marvel’s Captain America 3 while announcing 9 dates for future films.


Between Marvel Studios, Fox’s Marvel films, Sony’s Marvel Spider-Man and Warner Brothers/DC there 40 genre films in the coming years.


Here’s what’s booked and what are our geek hopes and dreams (in bold) and are from this recent post about the movies DC should be making.


May 1: Avengers: Age of Ultron (Marvel)
June 19: Fantastic Four (Fox)
July 17: Ant-Man (Marvel)

March 25: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice (Warner Bros/DC)
May 6: Captain America 3 (Marvel)(not official title)
May 27: X-Men: Apocalypse (Fox)
July 8: Untitled Marvel film (Marvel) Doctor Strange
Aug. 5: Untitled DC Film (Warner Bros/DC) Aquaman (if it’s a badass King played by Jason Mamoa) or Hawkman but likely to be Shazam.
Nov. 11: Sinister Six (aka Spider-Man villains) (Sony)

March 3 – Untitled Wolverine sequel (Fox)
May 5: Untitled Marvel Film(Marvel) Black Panther
June 23: Untitled DC Film (Warner Bros/DC) Wonder Woman
July 14: Fantastic Four 2 (Fox)
July 28: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (Marvel)
Nov. 3: Untitled Marvel film(Marvel) Thor 3 
Nov. 17: Untitled DC Film (Warner Bros/DC) (Sandman of Vertigo)
(unspecified date): Untitled Female Spider-Man spin-off (Sony)
(unspecified tentative date): Venom: Carnage Spider-Man spin-off (Sony)

Winter Soldier #7 courtesy Marvel
Winter Soldier #7 courtesy Marvel

March 23: Untitled DC film(Warner Bros/DC) Flash/Green Lantern or Green Lantern Corps
May 4: Untitled Marvel film(Marvel) Avengers 3
July 6: Untitled Marvel film(Marvel) Captain Marvel, Nova, Ant-Man 2.
July 13: Untitled Fox Mystery Marvel film (Fox) (X-Men? or  X-Force)
July 27: Untitled DC Film(Warner Bros/DC) Justice League
Nov. 2: Untitled Marvel film(Marvel) (Black Widow/Winter Soldier or Doctor Strange 2)
(unspecified date): Amazing Spider-Man 3 (Sony)

Apr. 5: Untitled DC Film(Warner Bros/DC) Man of Steel 2
May 3: Untitled Marvel film(Marvel) Avengers/Guardians: The Infinity Gauntlet
June 14: Untitled DC Film(Warner Bros/DC) The Batman (with the Bat family!)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice courtesy DC Comics
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice courtesy DC Comics

Apr. 3: Untitled DC Film(Warner Bros/DC) Secret Society of Super Villains/Injustice League
June 19: Untitled DC Film(Warner Bros/DC) Justice League 2


The studios have staked their dates. Certain projects seem inevitable but with the success of Marvel’s big gamble on Guardians, all bets are off and more wild cards could shuffle up the long-term plans.


What heroes are missing from the lineup you want to see on the big screen?


Comment below or join the conversation on Twitter.


By Editor