A God possessed. Cataclysmic clashes. Twisted history. Social commentary?
The most unexpected villain comeback since…
The finale of Red Skull versus Marvel’s newest dream team hits like Thor’s hammer in this week’s Uncanny Avengers #4. Rick Remender and John Cassaday are relentless storytellers!
Here’s what you need to know:
In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men, Captain America realized the Avengers have not done enough to help protect the mutant race. Steve and Wolverine form a new squad of Avengers and X-Men (including Thor, Scarlet Witch, Rogue) working together with Havok as team leader.
A reborn Red Skull stole the brain of Professor X! Together with his army of freak S-Men the Nazi mastermind telepathically orchestrated a series of brutal attacks on mutants. As this finale begins Thor is under the Skull’s control. Havok continues his rise to becoming a major superstar in the Marvel Now. Alex Summers and Scarlet Witch take a beating against the power of the Thunder God but Havok proves he has the mettle to lead this team into the future. Scarlet Witch may be on the road to redemption but Wanda gets to hex out and we see just how her dark side still lives just under the surface.

While that concussive and cosmic battle rages the Star-Spangled Avenger is the pawn of the Skull’s mind games. The idea is brilliant. The embodiment of Nazi fear mongering and manipulation armed with the ultimate mind control weapon. The Red Skull didn’t just want to wipe out the mutant race but reshape America and the world. Remender via the Omega Skull reminded us of the horrors of World War II and the Holocaust while holding a mirror at our modern society. There was almost a pleading from Johann for Steve for join him not fight him. There is a panel that’s an homage to X-Men: Days of Future Past that should have fanboys salivating. I know I was!
I won’t give away how the fight ends but there is a great moment between Wolverine and Thor that really sums up the future of this hybrid team of Avengers, X-Men and the Marvel Universe. Before you can utter a sigh of relief Remender snatches you into a wild epilogue that sets the stage for new members of the team and the shocking comeback of a villain I never expected to make a comeback!
By Editor