Lucas Till reprises his role as Alex Summers (aka Havok) in X-Men: Days of Future Past.
“It’s really a small thing,” he says in the new Empire magazine. “A lot of people didn’t make it back. I’m fortunate.”
Summers is in the U.S. Army when the story picks up.
Till was a late addition to the huge cast which doesn’t include James Marsters (Scott Summers aka Cyclops.) The X-Men field leader was killed off early on in X-Men: The Last Stand.

When asked if a Summers spin-off might make amends for the lack on screen time for Cyke and Havok Till responded with a laugh.
“Give the people what they want!”
X-Men: Apocalypse is the scheduled for 2016. No word on exactly which mutants will appear. Given the time travel elements of DOFP – we could see a new actor playing young Scott Summers – who has a long history with the villain Apocalypse in the comics.
In comics Havok is team leader of Uncanny Avengers, Cyclops is leader of Uncanny X-Men, the original Scott Summers from the past is in the present starring in All-New X-Men and soon in his own ongoing series.
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