Storm will survive AvX to appear in at least 3 Marvel Now X-books: Uncanny X-Force, All-New X-Men and Wolverine and the X-Men, in which she will become a teacher at the Jean Grey School.
In the soon to be relaunched Uncanny X-Force by Sam Humphries Storm will be taking orders from Psylocke. That’s a role reversal from the current X-Men book by Brian Wood. I have loved the way Wood writes Storm. I would even say it’s the best portrayal of Ororo I’ve read in a long time.
This week’s X-Men #36 may be setting the stage for Ororo stepping down. Storm’s security team discovered an ancient genetic secret (the extinct ancestors of modern mutants) and when the material got in the hands of a crazed cult leader Storm sent Domino and Psylocke into action. Storm has been on her own agenda, has her own secret team of human scientists and kept secrets from Cyclops and Wolverine. Storm’s leadership has been called into question. Will she be taken down and a new member may be joining the unit but who can trust which side they’re really on?
If you want old school X-Men mixed with a dash of Torchwood then this is the book for you. I’m just disappointed Brian Wood is leaving the book but he is staying on Ultimate Comics X-Men.
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