An X-Men reunion this week in Storm #3.
Greg Pak brings Forge back in Ororo’s life after an intense showdown way back in a Warren Ellis epic called Ghost Boxes.
Forge was Storm’s great love after she lost her powers but they didn’t last. Forge was responsible for Storm’s loss of mutant ability. Ororo moved on to Black Panther then Wolverine.
When the two reunite how will it go down?
“Storm truly loved Forge back in the day. But pretty early on in their relationship, she discovered he was hiding the fact that he was behind her being depowered. So from the beginning, the joy in their relationship was spoiled by mistrust,” Pak told Marvel.com.
And then Forge was completely out of control when he and Storm interacted in the ASTONISHING X-MEN “Ghost Boxes” storyline. Not only did he have a deranged plan to save the world by opening a portal to a world of insanely dangerous monsters, but he made it pretty clear that he’d let his failed relationship with Storm and resentment of [her] marriage to T’Challa color his entire world view in a mind-bogglingly twisted way. So Forge has a lot of strikes against him at this point.

At the same time, an argument can be made that Forge wasn’t really in charge of himself during that Astonishing X-Men story. And if Storm, post-T’Challa, were to bump up against a Forge who’s free from mind-control and delusion and in fact is trying to do something decent in the world…I guess we’ll all have to read Storm #3 to see what happens next!”
Pak says Storm #4 will focus on Ororo in mourning after the death of Wolverine.
By Editor