Batman Eternal #3 hit comic book shops this week with a vengeance! A major villain returns shaking up the Gotham City power structure in politics and the underworld.
I’ll keep the identity of that bad guy secret but the other big addition to the Bat-cast is the New 52 introduction of Stephanie Brown. Batman #28 already revealed Brown will become a prisoner of Selina Kyle – and Stephanie is wearing her Spoiler costume when the Dark Knight discovers her.
John Layman just wrapped Detective Comics and joined the writing team on the Batman Eternal weekly and talked about Brown with DCComics.com:
“I get to write Stephanie in a few of my issues. I know how popular she is to DCU readers, so that was a real thrill.”
Before The New 52, Brown went by the code-name Spoiler before becoming Batgirl for a while. In this week’s Batman Eternal Stephanie stumbles upon her father’s secret life as a criminal. Brown’s journey from troubled teens to costumed crimefighter is just one of the many story threads in the weekly series.
“Well, I think most of the credit goes to James Tynion and Scott Snyder for the heavy lifting on the project. They conceived the uber-story, though all the rest of us, Tim (Seeley), Ray (Fawkes) and I, got to contribute and throw in our two cents. It’s definitely a huge story that touches on EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of the Bat-Universe.”
Jim Gordon behind bars. Gotham City Police vs. Batman. The Penguin becoming an endangered species. Stephanie Brown on the run. Batman vs. Batgirl.
All coming up next week as Batman Eternal continues.
By Editor