STAR WARS POE DAMERON New Comic, New Villain

Star Wars: Poe Dameron courtesy Marvel
Star Wars: Poe Dameron courtesy Marvel

Poe Dameron soars from cinemas to his own new adventures.

Marvel’s Star Wars comics line is expanding with the first one starring heroes from The Force Awakens.

Charles Soule who crafted the Lando & Obi-Wan and Anakin limited series and Phil Noto, artist of the Chewbacca limited series, team up for a new ongoing starring Poe Dameron.

The star pilot of General Organa’s Resistance will face a dangerous new enemy created for the series.

“He’s going to have a great First Order nemesis who I think the readers will love.” Noto told

“I spent a lot of time on the bad guy. I wanted someone who would feel new and fresh within the Star Wars universe, with a backstory that would make sense within the larger saga, but who could also stand up alongside Phasma and Hux and Kylo Ren and the other new antagonists we’ve seen. I don’t want to say too much, but while he’s new, he has a long history with dastardly deeds in the Star Wars galaxy, and should give Poe and [company] a run for their money. He’s one of my favorite parts of the whole thing.” added Soule.

For part of Dameron’s backstory see Shattered Empire and Before the Awakening by Greg Rucka.

Star Wars: Poe Dameron blasts off this Spring.

By Editor

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