The Force is strong with Brian Wood. The acclaimed writer (The Massive, Northlanders, X-Men, Ultimate Comics X-Men, Conan) will take on a new comic book series set during the original trilogy for Dark Horse Comics. Check out the cover to Star Wars #1 by Alex Ross!
Being a huge Star Wars and Brian Wood fan I wanted to share some of his exclusive interview with The Nerdist about writing in the galaxy far, far away.
“The biggest challenge is actually writing it under the shadow of reader expectation. And doing right by Randy Stradley, my editor, who has written a fair share of Star Wars himself, and that can be intimidating. When I started the job, I had this idea that Star Wars fans would be really hardcore and nitpicky and, to be frank, ready to challenge my work. Then I went to Star WarsCelebration, this convention, and I had one of the most positive experiences of my professional life. Everyone was super nice, very receptive to what I’m doing, and I felt like I belonged in a way that comic book conventions don’t. I came home from that show determined to write 10x on this title.
And I’m more of a fan of Star Wars than I was aware. Thirty-five years of exposure to it, I guess, creates an impression as well as a huge about of information stored in my brain that is only just now proving its worth.”
For the entire interview and a first look inside here’s the link on the always enjoyable Nerdist.
Watch out for the collection of Wood’s X-Men run with artist David Lopez – one of my favorite storylines of the year and the BEST portrayal of Storm since Claremont – yes I just said that!
By Editor