Star Trek: The Next Generation fans engage to the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo. Event organizers scored a major geek coup: the first ever reunion of the principal cast. This stellar event will mark the 25th Anniversary of the series.
Sir Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Levar Burton, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Michael Dorn, Brent Spiner, Will Wheaton, Denise Crosby will appear at Star Trek TNG EXPOsed, a special ticketed event on April 28 at the Stampede Corral.
“A lot of guys in the entertainment industry are looking at (the Calgary Comic Expo) now and thinking ‘How the hell did they pull that off?’ It’s like the little engine that could, right?” said founder Kandrix Foong.
Thanks to the Calgary Herald for the story.
Congratulations to the Calgary Comic Expo team for this huge gift for Star Trek fans! It is cool and weird that southern Alberta would be the location for this reunion. Although I admit I once visited beautiful Calgary in December when it was 20 below zero and it felt like I was breathing on an ice planet.
William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Will Wheaton, Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner have been at my hometown’s excellent event and Emerald City Comicon welcomes George Takei this year.