Star Trek and Doctor Who Make It So!

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 courtesy IDW Publishing

  It’s a stellar week to be a geek! Doctor Who, Star Trek: The Next Generation. Two sci-fi great franchises that will taste great together in a brand new 8 part comic book series.

  The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) makes it so with Captain Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise when the their most feared enemies form an unholy alliance.  Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 beams into comic book shops this week courtesy IDW Publishing

  Fan-favorite villains the Borg and the Cybermen team up so Doctor Who, Amy Pond and Rory join forces with Jean-Luc Picard and crew to save humanity. Scot and David Tipton (Star Trek: Infestation) and Doctor Who writer Tony Lee collaborate to bring these two universes together.

  Are you excited? If you’re like me you might be already dreaming up sequels: The Master and renegade Klingons, Davros and the Gorn, The Silence and Sela the Romulan or how about the time traveling Devidians from the Time’s Arrow two-parter? I’d suggest The Weeping Angels but those stone cold aliens ain’t teaming up with anyone!

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