Guardians of the Galaxy #19 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #19 courtesy Marvel

Original Sin is not just a cosmic murder mystery. It’s busting some of Marvel’s biggest secrets wide open. The main story focuses on the hunt for who killed The Watcher and stole his eyes, secrets and alien technology.


Original Sin tie-in issues are revealing answers to some of the publisher’s biggest long running mysteries.


Marvel already teased the fate of Richard Ryder and how Star-Lord escaped the Cancerverse. Now here’s a first look at Guardians of the Galaxy #19 by artist Ed McGuinness courtesy


As you can see from the preview image Richard Ryder is being confronted by Star-Lord in his Annihilation era uniform.


Brian Michael Bendis will explore what happened to Peter Quill and Thanos in the Cancerverse and the fate of Richard Ryder – the hero formerly known as Nova.


The Original Sin tie-in begins in Guardians of the Galaxy #18 starting in August.


By Editor