Sam Humphries (Legendary Star-Lord) left StarKat fans with a romantic cliffhanger with The Black Vortex finale. The Guardian/X-Man romance really faces cosmic consequences as Secret Wars throws every Marvel past, present and future up in the air.
Humphries shared issue one art from Marvel newcomer Alti Firmansyah and answered fan questions about the upcoming Star-Lord & Kitty Pryde in a special Marvel chat event. As we’ve seen from the cover, Quill is facing the wrath of the Age of Apocalypse Kitty.
“We’ve seen how Peter and Kitty’s relationship develops pre-Secret Wars, but what happens when you swap out the Kitty we know and love with a VERY different Kitty from Age of Apocalypse?” Humphries said of the Kitty switch.
“And plop them down into the middle of Battleplanet with a very familiar bad guy making trouble for them?”
“I really gravitated towards the idea of pulling a switcheroo on Peter. He’s not the smoothest with girls in the first place, so what would happen if he saw his true love, his fiancee, but she wanted nothing to do with him?” Humphries said of writing the fan-favorite couple facing this Secret Wars twist.

“And for Kitty, I saw it as an opportunity to get deeper into her character. They’re both Kitty Pryde, how can they be different yet be the same person? One’s got the biggest heart in the universe, the other is practically an assassin. Can we find one Kitty in the other?”
If you look close at the preview art this is The Quiet Room, a nightclub where characters from different realms of Battleworld gather. It was introduced in Inhumans: Attilan Rising #1 by Charles Soule.
Here’s more art from Star-Lord & Kitty Pryde #1 coming in July.

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