The first Spider-Woman sports a new look with a new status quo this week.
Following the success of Spider-Verse, Silk and Spider-Gwen are swinging in new series but never forget the staying power of the original Spider-Woman.
From superspy to Avenger to her new role, fan-favorite Jessica Drew strikes out on her first mission since the Spider-Verse finale.
Drew’s profile is soaring higher thanks to a new series by writer Dennis Hopeless with a costume designed by Kris Anka.
Spider-Woman’s new costume debuted in the Spider-Man Unlimited mobile game from Gameloft then in comics in Spider-Woman #5 this week by Hopeless and Javier Rodriguez.
The heroine who’s been a SHIELD agent, Hydra agent, SWORD agent, triple agent and Avenger is on a new mission.
Crusading reporter Ben Urich from Daredevil is joining her supporting cast.
Jessica and Ben will be on the case when mystery villains start kidnapping loved ones of superheroes.
Spider-Man Editor Nick Lowe says he recruited Anka (Uncanny X-Men) to design Jessica’s new costume.
By Editor