The Lizard (Rhys Ifans) will torment Andrew Garfield in the big screen reboot Amazing Spider-Man this summer. Dan Slott will unleash the Lizard in Amazing Spider-Man #688 with art by Giuseppe Camucolo. Marvel revealed the upcoming arc at Wondercon this past weekend. No Going Back will feature a battle between Spidey and his reptilian foe.
“We’ve had funny stories, crime stories, team-up stories, summer blockbuster stories, personal stories—this time, we’re going for horror,” Slott tells Marvel.com. “This summer we’re giving you a chiller; we’re going from wall-crawling to skin crawling.”
For the entire interview here’s the Marvel .com link.
The Ends of the Earth arc starts this week.
More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/news/story/18305/wondercon_2012_amazing_spider-man#ixzz1paEoMWgz