One of Spider-Man’s most tragic and frightening foes will get his own series this January. Marvel announced a new Morbius series at Fan Expo Canada. Writer Joe Keatinge and artist Rich Elson are the creative team on the new ongoing starring The Living Vampire.
“AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #699.1 (coming in December) is essentially MORBIUS #0,” asserts Keatinge. “If you’ve never read a Morbius comic book before, ASM #699.1 gets you up to date on absolutely everything there is to know about him. It takes him from where Dan Slott and company took him to and sets him on the course of everything Rich and I have in store.”
“He’s not over the guilt, that’s for sure,” the writer says. “He’s a guy very much crippled by it. How he gets through that is a major thrust of our initial arc.
“Every goal [Morbius] has is ultimately focused on redemption and atonement. Curing himself is definitely part of that. We’re giving him an opportunity to do just that, but given his history you can bet it’s not going to go well.”

Morbius and the Lizard were villains in Dan Slott’s Amazing Spider-Man arc this summer while Dr. Connors was stalking Spidey on the big screen. I think Morbius would be a perfectly creepy new villain for an Amazing Spider-Man sequel.
For more from writer and Rich Elson here’s the Marvel.com link.
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