Avengers vowing to kill?
X-Men allied with Apocalypse?
The AXIS: Inversion is here.
Only Spider-Man and Nova may be able to set the world right again.
Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom’s inversion spell defeated the Red Onslaught but it tilted good and evil among heroes and villains.
Avengers and X-Men: AXIS #5 by Rick Remender and Terry Dodson hits this week showing more of this strange new reality.
Steve Rogers recruits Peter Parker and Sam Alexander for a daring mission to infiltrate Avengers Tower where the Red Skull was being held prisoner.

But if Spidey villains Carnage and Hobgoblin are now acting heroic…what did the inversion really to do Spider-Man?
Who released the Red Skull?
And who is the new super team known as AXIS?
Plus, this issue teases a major status quo for the X-Men now that they’ve made an alliance with an ancient enemy and Superior Iron Man vs. Daredevil over Extremis 3.0.
Avengers and X-Men: AXIS #5 arrives Wednesday.
By Editor