June is known for weddings and it’s a second honeymoon of sorts for Marvel’s friendly married Spider-Man.
The most romantic of all the Secret Wars tie-in books arrives this week with Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows by Dan Slott and Adam Kubert.
One More Day is one of the most controversial stories in Spidey history in how it erased Peter Parker’s marriage to Mary Jane.
In Secret Wars there’s a new world made of remnants of Marvel history and alternate worlds. Renew Your Vows shows us not just what might have been but what is now…Peter married with Mary Jane and with a child.
Who is this Peter?
This is the Spidey of the late 80’s and early 90’s but with different values as Slott told Marvel.com:
“Husband. Hero. In that order. With great power must also come great responsibility. But what happens when you have the greatest responsibility of them all? Having a great power is something you have to share with the world. But what if two people become your whole world? What then?”
Marvel is teasing an all-new, all-different Marvel Universe that jumps 8 months later after the Secret Wars finale. We know Miles Morales survives to join the Avengers but what will happen to Parker?
“When RENEW YOUR VOWS is over…wait—I have to say this in the most cryptic way possible—things which happen in this story will go on to have an effect in the Spider-Man comics that Marvel will be publishing after Secret Wars,” teased Slott.
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1 arrives Wednesday.
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