Solo. Lando. A mystery woman. A Millennium Falcon like you’ve never seen it before.
The first trailer for SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY and four character posters arrive via after a surprise teaser in the Super Bowl.

Alden Ehrenrech is young Han, Donald Glover is Lando Calrissian and Joonas Suotamo is a young Chewbacca. Woody Harrelson, Emila Clarke, Thandie Newton and Paul Bettany join the Star Wars cinematic universe in new roles revealing the origin of the smuggler turned Rebel Alliance hero. Take a look at the trailer and come back for the breakdown of our biggest burning questions:
Does Han join the Empire? In voice over the hero reveals he’s been a con man since he was a kid. Did the Corellian youth try to escape his past but trying to join the Imperial forces to be a “Top Gun” for the Empire?
What the heck happened to the Falcon? The famous “hunk of junk” looks shiny, sleek and so fresh and new. We know Han won the ship from Lando but how did the future Cloud City leader get it? Will we see the legendary game in which Han became the new owner?
Destination Kessel? You’ve heard Solo brag about setting a record on the Kessel run. Is the planet in the trailer a haven or target for Solo’s crew working for the mystery man played by Woody Harrelson?
Who is Qi’Ra? You can’t help but see Emilia Clarke shine in this trailer. Is she Han’s love interest, a fellow smuggler, Imperial spy? If she’s not in the A New Hope trilogy then did she have the same fate as the stars of prequel ROGUE ONE?
Mrs. Solo? It looks like Thandie Newton’s character is part of Solo’s crew but is she a character from Marvel’s Star Wars comics? Is she Sana Solo? Sana is new to Star Wars canon. Sana is a scoundrel. Her marriage to Han was a sham. Han and Solo were posing as a married couple as part of a con.
This next question comes with a SPOILER ALERT!
When Han met Chewie? In previous continuity that’s not considered content now so be warned…..Solo was a young Imperial officer who freed a tortured Chewbacca. The Wookies were slaves of the Empire. Solo’s act of rebellion an compassion led to the bond between the smuggling partners.
By Editor