She-Hulk & Hellcat.
A geek dream.
The super strong, smart and sexy She-Hulk is the star of an acclaimed new solo series by Charles Soule (Inhuman, Thunderbolts, Superman/Wonder Woman) focusing on her career as a super attorney.
A strong, sexy retro hero is part of a new mystery as Jennifer and Hellcat must “uncover secrets of the Blue File- a conspiracy that touches the Marvel Universe” in She-Hulk #5 this week.
Crusading attorney Jen becomes the defendant. She may need occult crime fighter Hellcat to save her.

You may have picked up on my love for Hellcat. Back when Marvel started a new Matt Fraction Defenders book, then a Fearless Defenders book – I hoped for a Hellcat appearance. Writer Cullen Bunn did grant this geek his wish in the cancelled-too-soon Fearless Defenders title.
Patsy Walker first appeared in teen romantic comedy comics then was integrated into the Marvel Universe in Avengers #144. Taking a catsuit with claws and a grappling hook, mastering martial arts and later developing some psychic abilities, Hellcat was born. I remember the friendship between Patsy and Valkyrie in The Defenders. Patsy would fall in love, marry and eventually be driven mad by Damian Hellstorm aka Son of Satan. Hellcat would recover and guest star in many teams and books.
Like She- Hulk, Hellcat is fun, sexy, smart and confident. She makes mistakes – come on, you knew marrying Son of Satan would be hell. But is always a blast. I think she’s a perfect partner in crime-fighting for She-Hulk. Here’s hoping this arc by Charles Soule convinces Marvel to raise Hellcat in her own solo book – maybe even bring Patsy’s rival from the romance comics Hedy Wolfe into the All-New Marvel Now.
By Editor