X-Men beware! Those massive, mutant-hunting robots are finally getting the big screen treatment in a big way! Mark Millar, Creative Consultant on Fox’s Marvel movies, confirms the Sentinels will be a big part of X-Men: Days of Future Past in a new interview with SFX:
“I don’t really want to give too much away but the Sentinels are a big feature of this story. They will be cool and this will deliver on all of the teasers. We’ve all been waiting for this ever since X-Men: The Last Stand showed us one of their heads. Now it is finally coming, and we only have to pay ten quid to see it in the cinema whereas they’re having to pay $100 million to deliver it. So I’m delighted [laughs].”

In the Marvel comic books – Sentinels were created by mutant hating scientists and deployed by the government after a mutant terrorist attack. Sentinels nearly wiped out all mutants and super heroes. In a future timeline the surviving X-Men attempt to change the past to prevent the future ruled by Sentinels.
Does this mean we’ll see a fastball special again? (We saw the throw but not the catch in X-Men: The Last Stand in a Danger Room training sequence.)
When Colossus throws Wolverine – Logan slices – Sentinel down!
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