courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Time will run out.

Everything ends.

Secret Wars begins.

The Marvel Universe as we know it will be destroyed.

Following Secret Wars Live, Marvel announces Last Days.

In this week’s big announcement, Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso and Executive Editor/Senior Vice-President Tom Brevoort revealed both the Marvel and Ultimate Universes will end and the new Marvel Universe is born in Battleworld of Secret Wars.

“What would you do if you learned today was your last day on Earth?” Alonso on “That’s the question your favorite Marvel heroes are going to ask themselves in their LAST DAYS story lines as they brace for Secret Wars and the end of the Marvel Universe.

This is a move familiar to Marvel readers. Dark Reign was an era of comics following the Secret Invasion event.

LAST DAYS is the first of three new brandings for series unique to Secret Wars,” said Marvel SVP Sales & Marketing David Gabriel. “Each branding will bear its own unique trade dress and logo treatment, clearly defining its relationship to the main Secret Wars story. This will make it easier for fans to experience the full scope of Secret Wars.”

As Brevoort revealed, heroes will know the end is coming after the final incursion. How will they spend what the believe are the last days and final hours?

Heroes, villains and everyone in the Marvel Universe will face their Last Days starting with Secret Wars #1 this May.

By Editor