Secret Wars Journal #1 courtesy Marvel
Secret Wars Journal #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel announced a new Secret Wars tie-in series set in Battleworld.

Secret Wars Journal will be an anthology series with a wide variety of tales set in the new reality.

“We’ve got a few crazy twists on some old favorites, but we’ve also got some real fun explorations of some of the zanier corners of the Marvel Universe as well,” Editor Jake Thomas teased on “We’ve got a fun riff on Millie the Model that made me laugh when we pitched it and tear up when I read the outline. We’ve got a Night Nurse—You heard me right, kids! Night Nurse!—story that is going to be killer, an intense X-Men story, a completely bonkers Misty Knight and Paladin tale. Honestly, there are times I can’t believe I’m getting away with this stuff.”

Thomas said to watch for stories that tie directly with primary Secret Wars stories and you’ll see Battleworld territories you won’t see in other books.

Secret Wars begins in May.

By Editor