Secret Avengers of SHIELD

Secret Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Agent Maria Hill assembles a powerhouse roster for a new Secret Avengers by Nick Spencer and Luke Ross. At New York Comic Con Marvel revealed plans for a new Secret Avengers #1 debuting February 2013. The team will include Phil Coulson, the new Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Mockingbird, Hulk, Winter Soldier, and a brand new Iron Patriot.

  “These operatives were hand-picked by S.H.I.E.L.D. based on a number of factors,” revealed Spencer. “Some have experience in black ops missions. Some have military training. Some are walking weapons of mass destruction. The combination is a potent one, and a veritable dream team for these kinds of assignments. But I should also say they’re not the only ones. A big part of the fun is anyone can get the call. And then forget they got it, once the mission’s done.”

Spencer says the mission debriefing will take fans back to the awesome Secret War limited series by Brian Michael Bendis.

  “In Secret War, we saw Nick Fury used mind-wipe/memory plant tech to bring together a team of super-powered operatives to take down an off-the-books threat,” he reminds. “The end result of that mission was a full-scale disaster, and essentially set off a chain of events that ripped S.H.I.E.L.D. apart. But now that there’s a new S.H.I.E.L.D. up and running, there’s already interest in re-visiting this initiative. Because at the end of the day, there are limits to what their own agents can do—they need high-powered operatives to tackle high-powered threats. They need Avengers.”

Spencer explains how this team’s missions will differ from Jonathan Hickman’s book.

  “As I said, this is S.H.I.E.L.D.’s team, so the kinds of threats they deal with look very different from the ones the core Avengers team might come up against,” Spencer says. “These are rogue states, terrorist groups, arms dealers. The missions are often diplomatically sensitive and highly classified. They’re working in a world with a lot of gray in it, making tough decisions in order to prevent war and protect the peace.”

Any guesses on who’s under the helmet of the new Iron Patriot suit?

Op/Ed: Mindwipes are never good S.O.P.

For more of Nick Spencer’s interview here’s the link.

By Editor

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