Secret Avengers 2012 Lineup Revealed


Secret Avengers 2012 Lineup courtesy

I’m adding a new book to my list in 2012! I’ve been on and off Secret Avengers since it launched. Rick Remender takes over the title next year. Hawkeye is the new team leader. It’s a one, two punch I can’t resist.

With Uncanny X-Force, Rick took the superhero team formula, tossed into nitro and mixed in a wind tunnel. I never knew what to expect. So I have huge expectations for Secret Avengers.

 Comics Vine reveals the new lineup and mission. Black Widow and Valkyrie are sticking around. Captain Britain is an odd choice but Remender make Fantomex work on X-Force. I really love the old school flavor Giant-Man brings. I’m intrigued about Venom. Looks like Remender assembled another wild bunch of rogue heroes for some insane new adventures with the promise of a villainous new alien race.

 Gabriel Hardman is on art. Legendary Arthur Adams will provide covers. To catch up on the Secret Avengers previous covert missions visit

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