Seattle’s New Superheroes Debut in X-Factor

X-Factor #234 courtesy

  I love Seattle. It’s been my home for 13+ years. We have great comic book stores, cafes and cons: Emerald City Comicon, Geek Girl Con and Jet City Comic Show. Ed Brubaker calls Seattle home so that makes us pretty cool too. Oh and we have a Troll eating a volkswagen under an overpass…seriously.

 We already have a real life masked crime fighter named Phoenix Jones, leader of the Rain City Superhero Movement. 

  Peter David is giving us two new super heroes in this week’s X-Factor #234. Marvel’s solicitation for the issue “introduces Seattle’s new heroes: The Insignia and Shutterbug. (One of whom may not make it though the issue.)”

  Will they be mutants? Does this mean X-Factor Investigations latest case will take the detectives to the Emerald City?

Update: A hilarious debut for Seattle hopeful heroes in a scene that’s a hybrid of The Big Bang Theory and Chronicle.

 The teaser promises a catfight too. Monet and Layla have a showdown and a dead X-Factor member returns. I’m in!

By Editor

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