How did Bruce become the Bat? Scott Snyder follows The Court of Owls and Death of the Family with an eleven part blast into the past. Batman Year Zero will reveal the New 52 early beginnings of the Dark Knight. Snyder reveals why he wanted to tell this story:
“It’s definitely me wanting to tell this story. It really came about, I guess, about nine or 10 months ago, when I was thinking about trying to redefine, in my mind, for myself, who Bruce is in our run,” Snyder tells Comics Newsarama.
“I was thinking about who he is to Joker, and reconsidering what we were going to do after Joker. And I was just thinking about where he is emotionally, and who he is.
And I had an idea for a story that would be completely different, that would show a moment or a portion of his life that you’ve never seen before, in a completely different way.
At first I was approaching it a little gingerly, I guess. But what happened was I got more and more questions from people about what Bruce’s origin is in the New 52. I’d get it all the time, all day, on Twitter. I always get one or two tweets a day about, “How does this still work for Year One if this is the case in the 52?”
So there are all these discrepancies between Year One and the Batman that we know. Like Selina Kyle’s origin is different. And James [Gordon] Jr. — a character obviously very close to my heart — would be five years old or six years old in the New 52 if Batman has only been operating for five or six years. And so how is he an adult? And Barbara Gordon being Jim Gordon’s biological daughter.
So what happened is I kept trying to figure out how to do this story around Year One and figure one in.”
For more of Snyder’s interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.
Year Zero begins this June.
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