Marvel’s most dysfunctional family is getting twisted and tortured again after a major revelation in Avengers and X-Men: AXIS #7.
Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom’s inversion spell to stop the wrath of the Red Onslaught (Red Skull with the power of Professor X’s brain) worked but the spell inverted the moral compass of heroes and villains in the battle zone.
Inverted X-Men allied under Apocalypse have taken over Manhattan. Inverted Avengers are ready to kill their enemies. Only Steve Rogers and inverted villains are the last hope. Magneto is leading the bad guys gone good (including Carnage and Sabretooth.)
Magneto and Quicksilver’s manipulations in House of M lead to Scarlet Witch declaring, “No More Mutants.”
In this week’s battle with Magnus and Pietro, the inverted Wanda made a new declaration that could have a powerful impact on the mutant race again.
Before I continue here’s a…
If you have not read AXIS #7 yet stop reading now.
Here it comes.

When Magneto sides with Doom – Wanda (calling herself the Queen of Chaos) summons the Lords of Chaos to “End the Line” to punish her family and curse the bloodline.
Striking her family down only affected Quicksilver and revealing Magneto is not their real father after all?!
So if Magneto is not Wanda and Pietro’s father… who is?
The why?
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were first introduced in X-Men as mutants but later reformed and became Avengers.
Fox controls the film rights to X-Men and mutants. Marvel can’t really use or say mutants in their movies including Avengers: Age of Ultron.
In the Captain America: The Winter Soldier post-credit teaser, Wanda and Pietro are captives of Hydra and it’s hinted that they’ve been exposed to Loki’s staff given to him by Thanos.
The Inhumans are a longtime Marvel concept that’s become huge with a major comic book series, a movie slated for 2018 and an Inhuman storyline on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Could it turn out Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are Inhumans?
Quicksilver was actually married to Crystal of the Inhumans and share a daughter, Luna. Following House of M and M-Day, in Son of M Quicksilver stole the Terrigen Mists from Attilan to try to restart the mutant gene in depowered mutants.

Marvel’s Phase Three plans could be an influence on declaring that Wanda and Pietro are not Magneto’s children. It sure leads to some fascinating story possibilities. A No More Mutants teaser featuring Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver was for the next volume of Uncanny Avengers. Rick Remender is writer of AXIS and will continue the story when Uncanny Avengers relaunches in January with a new team including Wanda and Pietro.
Who is the real father of Wanda and Pietro?
Let’s the speculation begin!
Who may know the real story (in comics canon) about the switch? Here’s an update to our story.
Here’s a link for the first volume of Uncanny Avengers – all 25 issues and the annual. and this collection of all chapters of AXIS. Remender’s next big Avengers project is the Rage of Ultron original graphic novel you can pre-order here.
By Editor