Save Nightwing. Make Him Batman.
A geek’s plea.
Spoiler Alert!
If you have not read Forever Evil #6 stop reading now.
Seriously here it comes
The prognosis for Richard Grayson doesn’t look good after this week’s Forever Evil #6.

After being captured, beaten and having his identity exposed by the Crime Syndicate in the first chapter, Nightwing was connected to a “Murder Machine” giving Batman an impossible choice. Richard’s heart was linked to the bomb. Bruce desperately hoped to disarm the bomb and save his best friend. Lex Luthor did what Bruce couldn’t. Richard Grayson was smothered by Luthor until he was dead. What a horrible, unheroic way for a such a great hero to go out.

All the evidence points to the death of Grayson.
The Nightwing solo series ends next week.
Batman has a new sidekick 6 months into the future. Scott Snyder revealed in Batman #28 that Harper Row will be Bluebird, a possible homage to Robin and Nightwing.
I understand a hero’s death makes for incredible storytelling. Batman and Robin series by Peter Tomasi after the Damian’s death was powerful as Bruce worked through his grief.
With such a dishonorable death I have to believe Richard Grayson’s story is not over. Geoff Johns has said they are sending him “on a different journey.” What if that journey takes our hero beyond?

I say make Richard Grayson Batman…of Earth 3.
The Crime Syndicate (an evil version of the Justice League) escaped to our world. Alexander Luthor from Earth 3 was revealed to be the mysterious hooded man in the final pages of Forever Evil #6.
If these mirror, mirror duplicates can escape to our world…let’s send their world a hero. It sure needs one.
Dick was a perfect Dark Knight (with Damian as his Robin) in Grant Morrison’s Batman and Robin run. When Kyle Higgins sent Nightwing to Chicago to establish his own beat, his own rogues gallery and new mission – it was a great way to have Nightwing shine out from Batman’s shadow in Gotham City.
Maybe moving cross country wasn’t enough.
From Robin to Nightwing to Batman to Nightwing again, Grayson is one of DC’s greatest heroes. Maybe what makes him so unique is he has no powers, he shares a family tragedy like Bruce but he’s no billionaire. Richard Grayson wants to be a good guy, wants to be a hero and pushes himself to be a better hero to help others.
I’ve posted before how I’d love to see Nightwing leading a New 52 version of the Titans on Earth 1. Now maybe we could have a Titans of Earth 3- it’s a great way to reintroduce Donna Troy.

Give Nightwing fans a reward for their devotion. (These GeekGirlCon cosplayers representing classic blue and New 52 red Nightwing looks!)
I say give Richard a new world to protect – make him the Batman of an Earth in dire need of hope and a good hero.
By Editor