One of my favorite creators is taking on the ultimate X-Man. Phil Jimenez will draw and write a two-part story kicking off in Savage Wolverine #12 this November.
The fan-favorite artist has amazing runs with Grant Morrison on New X-Men and Warren Ellis on Astonishing X-Men. Jimenez tells Marvel.com a preview of his upcoming story and how it’s based on an issue from way back in the Chris Claremont era.
“Our story is called “Come Conquer the Beasts” and the gist is simple: for some very personal reasons revealed in-story, Wolverine is gonna tackle the poaching trade in the Marvel Universe, and he’s going to find out that some key players in the MU are supporting the senseless slaughter of exotic animals in Africa and Asia. So Wolverine has to tackle politics, culture, and the very, very deep pockets of some international baddies on his personal quest to end this gruesome practice, which is driving many endangered animals to extinction.
The inspiration for the story will be woven into the prologue; namely, an old series of panels from Uncanny X-Men #109. There, Wolverine says he’s going hunting, and Storm is appalled that he’d kill innocent animals for sport. But Wolverine sharply corrects her: says he said nothing about killing, and points out that there’s a big difference between hunting an animal—communing with it to get close enough to touch it—and just killing it, which takes no skill at all.
That was one of those mind-bending comic moments that literally shaped the way I see the world and the way we navigate through it, and I’ve always wanted to tell a story with Wolverine based on these few life-changing—for me—panels.”
The creator says Kitty Pryde will guest star and “we might even see Patch” referring to Logan’s Madripoor bar-owner identity when the first Wolverine solo series launched. Logan will hit Madripoor, south Africa and southern Asia.
“This story would never have happened if it wasn’t for my friend Scott Lope, an animal welfare activist who has been rescuing exotic animals and placing them in sanctuaries for years. He’s also an enormous comic book fan, a huge X-Men fan, and when Jeanine offered me this job, I immediately turned to Scott for help. The story fell into place almost instantly, something that hasn’t happened to me in a long time. Not only has he helped me with important plot elements, but he’s been an invaluable asset providing information on poaching and its ramifications, which are worldwide.”
Savage Wolverine #12 is out in November. I have the honor of meeting the artist and interviewing him here plus getting autographed copies of the stunning X-books seen below! If Jimenez is coming to your con – get in line early because it’s so worth it.

By Editor