Fans of Kitty Pryde and Colossus are teased again in this week’s Wolverine and the X-Men #14. This AvX tie-is a slice of life with humor, drama and hope at the Jean Grey School in a world where the Phoenix Five rule and Avengers are hunted.
Kitty and Peter split after the events of Fear Itself and Schism. This issue sees a Phoenix fueled Colossus trying to woo his way back into Kitty’s heart. The man who could have everything just wants the love of his life back. Fans like me just want our favorite mutant couple back together but Jason Aaron is making a convincing argument for Kitty and Bobby.
Kitty’s date with Colossus gets hot but not in the way you hope. By the end I’m excited to see Kitty grow as co-headmaster of the school and develop a romance with Iceman. Bobby comes to a grim realization after an encounter with the Phoenix powered Cyclops.
It’s amazing how many characters Jason Aaron juggles while giving them all moments that carry the stories forward. From a lovesick Toad’s “date” with Husk to Doop’s defense of the school there are surprising moments of that make you laugh and connect with the odd cast.
Marvel NOW! is coming. Brian Michael Bendis is taking over the X-Men franchise with All-New X-Men but this issue shows why Jason Aaron should keep crafting this title that delivers heart, humor and thrills. The staff and students of the Jean Grey School deserve to stay. If the editors do cancel it the Bullpen deserves a Bamf infestation!
By Editor
Sometimes I feel like Avengers vs. X-Men should be title Operation Hate the X-Men.