Remembering the Matt Smith DOCTOR WHO Era

Doctor Who Christmas Special poster courtesy BBC America
Doctor Who Christmas Special poster courtesy BBC America

I really don’t want Matt Smith to go. I never want to see the current Doctors go but time marches on and the beloved Time Lord regenerates.


The Eleventh Doctor’s time ends with The Time of the Doctor on Christmas Day.


I can’t help but think about my favorite moments from the Matt Smith era:


Funniest Moments: The Eleventh Hour. Quirky and fun packed with one-liners and a fantastical feel. Matt Smith’s first episode succeeded in establishing the new status quo, his rapport with Amy and Rory and I think recaptured how children and the children in all of us see the Doctor.


courtesy BBC America

Most Moving and Perhaps Favorite Episode:

The Doctor’s Wife. After all these years Neil Gaiman comes along a beautiful, fantastical, unique take on the Tardis. I sighed, I nearly cried.


Best Real Life Guest Star: Vincent Van Gogh moved me to tears in Vincent and the Doctor, Ian McNiece captured the essence of Winston Churchill in Victory of the Daleks but the Doctor’s exchanges with President Richard Nixon in The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon were classic.


courtesy BBC

Biggest Heartbreaker: The Angels Take Manhattan Amy & Rory never to see the Raggedy Man again but at least they were together.


Best Villain:

The Silence – pure creepy evil!


Best Comeback:

I loved Silurians in The Hungry Earth & Cold Blood, Ice Warrior in Cold War but my heart goes to the Zygons in The Day of The Doctor because those shapeshifting suction cup covered crustacean like aliens terrified me as a little kid!


Most Enjoyable Death of a Villain:

Madame Kovarian! A nasty side of Amy Pond but that’s what happens you when steal a baby and try to turn them into a killing machine.


Best Christmas Special:

The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe Smith as his best in an enchanting fairy tale in which the sci-fi staple (doomed spaceship) didn’t threaten the galaxy but one family’s chance at happiness.


the cast of Doctor Who courtesy BBC America

Best Matt Smith Accessory: Love the Fez but as an American I have to go with the cowboy hat…partner!


Thank you Matt Smith for an inspired and brilliant portrayal in 3 wonderful seasons. You will be missed.


The Time of the Doctor airs December 25th at 9pm on BBC America.


By Editor



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