World War II hero Captain America is a part of Marvel history and comics history is made this week when a new hero takes over the role and wields the shield.
As you can see from this Marvel preview of Captain America #25, the Avengers are gathering for this powerful moment.
The Super Soldier Serum was drained from of Steve Rogers body. Cap’s super strength may be gone but he’s far from a broken but he is a frail elderly man in his 90’s.
The story Rick Remender started back in Captain America #1 with Dimension Z leads to the All-New Captain America.
Rogers must watch Arnim Zola and Red Skull invade New York with an army of mutates. Rogers with allies Ian, Sharon Carter, Jet Black and Falcon make a dramatic stand against the invasion led by Cap’s two greatest enemies.

Steve and Sharon are sharing a tender moment but expect plenty of action and more emotional fallout as the Avengers see their longtime leader pass the torch.
This is the issue when Sam Wilson takes over leading to a new era in All-New Captain America #1. There’s no time to celebrate as the Red Skull attacks in Avengers and X-Men: AXIS #1 .
As you see below it looks like HYDRA knows Wilson is taking on the role. Is that Sin, the Red Skull’s daughter?
Captain America #25 arrives Wednesday.

By Editor