James Gordon is under arrest charged with a horrific crime.
Infamous villains have emerged and gang war is declared in Gotham City.
In a year – Batman will be unmasked, defeated and crucified. The writers have revealed how Batman Eternal will end but the question is – how did Bruce end up this way.
Batman Eternal #2 hit stores this week. The second chapter in a new weekly series will feature nearly all the Dark Knight’s allies, enemies and supporting characters.
Ray Fawkes (Constantine, Pandora, Justice League Dark) is part of the writing team on the epic storyline. At the Emerald City Comicon Batman panel Fawkes talked about the darker side of Gotham. In a new DC interview Fawkes teases just how scary the book will get:
“I mean, Gotham is a nightmare city, at its worst, and Batman’s the Knight who stands between the horrors and their innocent would-be victims. There are a number of terrible moments in Eternal, if I can be honest, just horrifying glimpses into how bad things can really get when you let the denizens of Arkham Asylum have their way.”
Some classic Bat villains are making their New 52 debut in the book. Fawkes explains which foes he’s excited to take on:
“There are some of the big icons that everyone really wants to sink their writers’ teeth into here and again—some I don’t want to name, because I don’t want to give away the Eternal game.
Then there are also what one fan at the panel in Seattle referred to as the “Z-list” villains—guys like the Ten-Eyed Man, for example, who I got perhaps a little too excited about during one of our early story planning sessions. I just love the strange guys, and I love pushing them out on stage and showing them off in all their high weirdness.”
Batman Eternal #3 arrives next Wednesday featuring the New 52 return of Stephanie Brown aka The Spoiler.
By Editor