Prophet #21 May Make Me Become a Vegetarian

  That was some freaky —-.

  My Seattle store’s Comics Round Table group chose Prophet #21 as the first book to discuss for next month. Well, I always say I’m open to something new – I got it. 

  John Prophet lands on a future Earth – it’s a strange trip and I think I’ll be back.

  Image Comics is relaunching Extreme Studios, taking Rob Liefeld creations and remaking them completely. There’s no big bulging muscled warrior with a huge sword. 

  John Prophet lands on a scary bleak future Earth with strange animal hybrids roaming and consuming each other, then he enters the jell city – many layers and levels of oddness ensue. There’s a lot of depictions of and referencing eating meat – strange meat. Prophet is apparently on Earth to awaken the Human Empire.

  This issue is like a movie you can’t say you liked or hated it – you experienced it and kept thinking about it.

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