The man who knows the fate of many sci-fi and superhero franchise near and dear to geek hearts gave many updates at CinemaCon in Las Vegas this week.
Fox Studio Chief Tom Rothman told MTV News that Prometheus has not been rated yet.
“The rating board has not opined yet and it will go in to the board soon,” Rothman told us on the press line for the studio’s CinemaCon panel. “This I can tell you and I can tell all the fans, not one frame will be cut. The movie will be what it should be. We will not cut a frame of the film,” he promised. “We will stand behind it 100 percent and if that means it’s an R, then so be it, because not an ounce, not a percentage are we going to compromise the film.”
Rothman confirmed it was hit call to not include Alien in the title. Here’s why they went with the new title.
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Thanks to Dark Horizons and MTV News. And after seeing this – Thank you Mr. Rothman!