Prometheus New Viral Video: Own Your Michael Fassbender Android

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox


  A new viral video has emerged online for a new “product” from Weyland Industries from the Alien movies. This new video is an advertisement for “David” an android played by Michael Fassbender in Prometheus.

 The “David 8” Demo is voiced by Fassbender and ends with the same eerie tagline from the new full length Prometheus trailer.

  This is the second viral video promoting Prometheus. The first was a TED video starring Peter Weyland.


By far the most anticipated movie of the yea!! But one thing bugs me the year 2023 is too close. I’m suospped to believe that 11 years from now we’ll have androids and deep-space giant spaceships? Aliens is set in 2179 and Alien is set 57 years before, therefore the Nostromo arrived at LV-426 in 2122. 2122 is far enough in the future so it’s believable but there is a gap of 99 years between this viral clip and what happens at Alien.