Amazing Spider-Man #1 courtesy Marvel
Amazing Spider-Man #1 courtesy Marvel

Spidey fans are thrilled with the news that Peter Parker is coming back from beyond in a brand new Amazing Spider-Man #1.


Otto Octavius has been the Superior Spider-Man for more than a year now. As writer Dan Slott tells it’s all part of the plan.


Now the big questions: How is Peter coming back from the dead? What does it mean for Doc Ock?


“This was part of the pitch of Superior Spider-Man. Walking people through it, I told them, “And then we reach this point where people begin wondering, ‘How are they going to bring him back?'” That was part of the appeal, part of the fun of the mystery, everyone wondering, “How are they going to do this?” The other part of the appeal is, “What is Doc Ock doing to Spidey’s world? What’s going to be left? What’s that world going to be like when Peter Parker comes back?”


Peter still has a hero’s quest in him. He’s coming back, but this is not going to be easy. Great power and great responsibility always comes at a great cost.
As for Doc Ock, that’s one of the biggest questions of Superior Spider-Man. What happens to Doc Ock? Now that you know Peter Parker’s coming back, what is going to happen to Otto Octavius? That’s a very big question. That should be weighing on your mind.


Amazing Spider-Man #1 courtesy Marvel

I think we’re going to surprise a lot of people with how Peter’s going to come back, what’s going to happen to Ock, and what kind of world Peter Parker finds when he [returns]. What is going to happen? There are so many plates in the air, and so many characters [that] have relationships with Spider-Man that have changed. So many aspects of Spider-Man’s world, and Peter Parker’s world, have completely changed.
On top of that, Peter will have to deal with something else [when he returns]. You always have to throw the left hook. It can’t just be what everyone expects it’s going to be, or where there’s the fun in that? There’s always one more thing on top, one more twist, one more bump in the road you did not see coming.”


For more of Dan Slott’s interview here’s the link.


Peter Parker returns this April in Amazing Spider-Man #1. by Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos with variants by Jerome Opena and Marcos Martin (see above.)


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