X-Factor Investigations closed up shop and X-Factor the comic book ended after 262 issues.
During Peter David’s acclaimed run he created a new take on the mutant team by having them work as detectives solving crimes police couldn’t.
David is working on a not yet revealed new project for Marvel and spoke with Comic Book Resources about the future of the cast he wrote for such a long celebrated run.
Jamie Madrox (the Multiple Man) and Layla Miller (the girl who knows stuff) starred in the final issue. In the final moments Jamie and Layla were expecting a child and were living on a farm and that’s where David plans to keep them:
“At the moment I’m happy to leave them as they are. I mean, I could easily write a book about their adventures on the farm, but it would likely bore the hell out of everyone except me.”

Rictor and Shatterstar’s romance was another long running thread of David’s X-Factor run and he explained why he didn’t feel he needed to have the two men get hitched:
“I definitely think it should be organic to the characters. I didn’t have Rictor and Shatterstar get married for two reasons. First, I thought it simply wasn’t right for them. There was too much else going on with them to be able to commit. And second it was because, frankly, I was worried that it would seem that I had outed them purely for political reasons. That rather than it just seeming right and modern, I was doing it in order to provide a means of commenting on gay marriage. In terms of modern comics, I guess my only issue would be the seemingly high mortality rate among gay characters. That’s one reason I promised years ago that I’d never kill off Ric or Star.”
No word yet on the comic book fate of Rictor and Shatterstar in the Marvel Universe but David says he has ideas:
“There are actually whole directions I could do with them. Probably something involving time travel would be fun. Hmm. Maybe I should suggest that.”
Guido (aka Strong Guy) went from intergalactic rock star Lila Cheney’s bodyguard to the Supreme King of Hell (Hell On Earth War) and David said a different writer is working on a storyline with Guido in his new role.
David did say he hoped some of his cast might end up in Uncanny Avengers.

Banshee (Theresa Cassidy formerly known as Siryn) could turn up in that book since her father (the original X-Man Banshee) was resurrected as a Horseman of Apocalypse.
As for Monet – I say please please please have her join the all-female Fearless Defenders by Cullen Bunn or all-female X-Men by Brian Wood. M’s power and intellect make her a huge asset to any team. I’d love to see Monet’s attitude, temperament and wit in the capable pen of Wood or Bunn.
Longshot will star in a new mini-series Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe.
Stay tuned for an announcement about David’s next project at New York Comic Con.
By Editor