Operation Sin #1 courtesy Marvel
Operation Sin #1 courtesy Marvel

An untold tale of Marvel’s past starring Peggy Carter – one of our 2015 characters to watch.

Hayley Atwell is back in Marvel’s Agent Carter on ABC this Tuesday.

Carter, Howard Stark and Woodrow Call star in Operation S.I.N. by Kathryn Immonen and Rich Ellis on Wednesday.

The Cold War drama finds Carter and Stark (from Captain America: The Winter Soldier and upcoming Agent Carter series) racing against Hydra to find an alien energy source in Russia.

Woodrow McCord (Nick Fury’s predecessor as the “Man on the Wall” from Original Sin) joins the duo in in globe-trotting battle against Hydra.

“Peggy and Howard know each other and if she didn’t particularly like him before, he certainly shores up that position in the opening pages of the first issue,” Immonen told

“The HYDRA in our book is a splinter group operating in a remote place co-opting a good part of the imprisoned Soviet brain trust.”

Operation S.I.N. arrives Wednesday.

By Editor