Captain America: Movie Versus Comic

Captain America and Bucky #620 Courtesy Art by Mark Bagley

Captain America: The First Avenger was a smash at the box-office. The movie was very faithful to the comics. One key change was Steve’s best friend, James Buchanan. Bucky was Steve’s age and best friend in the movie. In the comic books, Bucky was an orphan who became the mascot of a US Army camp where his father was killed in training.

The teenager discovered Captain America’s secret identity and promised to keep the secret if Steve trained him to be his sidekick. Cap and Bucky went on to fight the Nazis on their own and as part of the super team, the Invaders, which included an android Human Torch and his sidekick Toro, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Union Jack and Spitfire.




In the movie, Bucky falls from a speeding train on a mission to capture Nazi scientist Arnim Zola. In the comics, Bucky is trying to defuse a bomb on a drone plane when it explodes. Years later, Bucky returns as the assassin known as the Winter Soldier . This epic is a must for all Cap fans. It would be a perfect basis for Captain America 2.

Top 5 Comics Week of November 16

Generation Hope #13

Generation Hope 13 cover from Art by Ibraim Roberson

Hope leads her team of young mutants to find a new recruit in China. They find Sebastian Shaw. Is one of the X-Men’s greatest villains redeemable? As I posted earlier, the youngest X-team loses a member and gets a new creative team. New writer James Asmus delivered excellent one shots in the X-Men: Manifest Destiny collection. His Nightcrawler story is a must for all fans of the fuzzy elf!

Avengers #19

Norman Osborn is back with his Dark Avengers and H.A.M.M.E.R. Captain America is ready for him – in this issue see the new Avengers line-up in action! Here’s a quick recap: Osborn fooled the world by claiming his criminal past was over and only he could protect humanity. The ex-Green Goblin was handed the keys to the Avengers HQ and S.H.I.E.L.D. which he renamed H.A.M.M.E.R. Think that’s insane? Osborn assembled vicious criminals to pose as his own Avengers. But Osborn’s Dark Reign led to the Siege of Asgard and Osborn’s downfall…until now. You just can’t keep a psychotic criminal mastermind down.

New Mutants #34

Blink is back? You could call her the James Dean of X-Men. During the search for Generation X, Claire made only a few appearances before dying young and that made her a legend.  Blink was recently resurrected by the vampiric mutant Selene in the Necrosha epic. Now the teleporting mutant is being spotted at random disasters around the world. Is Blink back as a villain? The New Mutants continue their ongoing mission to tie up loose ends and finding the long lost teleporter in the next arc.  

Batman # 3

The new Batman series uncovers the twisted history of Gotham City and how the Wayne family is intertwined. A series of brutal murders is leading to Batman’s closest ally. Bruce Wayne’s death is predicted. The Court of Owls is the creepy force behind it all. We’ve seen the Owl assassins. In this issue, the Court is revealed.

Justice League #3 

 DC’s biggest heroes are meeting for the first time in Geoff Johns and Jim Lee’s reboot. A demonic army invades STAR labs. Wonder Woman is unleashed. Batman, Green Lantern and Superman have already clashed. What happens when the Amazon warrior crashes the party?

Justice League #3 from DC Comics. Cover by Jim Lee



Darkseid Revealed

Darkseid by Jim Lee. Courtesy: The Source,

 He may be DC’s ultimate super villain. Today The Source is giving fans a first look at Darkseid as redesigned by Jim Lee. The ruler of Apokalipse was defeated in Final Crisis. Since the DC New 52 line wide relaunch – it was only a matter of time before Darkseid was resurrected. The villain was created by the legendary Jack Kirby. It appears Jim Lee is making the biggest bad even more ominous looking.

Darkseid is behind the conspiracy that’s bringing DC’s greatest heroes together in the new Justice League book. You can see the villain in action in Justice League #4 next month. I love this title. I came for Jim Lee’s art*. I would watch Jim Lee pencil a comic book about paint drying! I’m staying for the thrill ride written by Geoff Johns. Wonder Woman joins the action in Justice League #3 out this Wednesday.

*To see more of Jim Lee’s take on DC’s heroes and villains, check out ICONS: The DC and Wildstorm Art of Jim Lee.

A Day for Real Heroes

Comic books and movies are a great escape. You feel inspired when patriotic icons like Captain America rallies the troops or Superman saves the day. In the real world heroes don’t wear royal blue and don’t automatically receive cheers. So on this Veterans Day, I want to share a post about heroes and the reality many of them face when they come home.

My day job is at KOMO 4, the ABC station in Seattle. Our news team produced a compelling special, Help on the Homefront. This report demonstrates the challenges veterans face after serving our country and the services available in Washington. I hope this post will inspire you to remember what this day is all about and perhaps find a way to help a Veteran.

 Thanks to all the men and women serving our country.

X Marks Northstar


Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy

Northstar belongs in the X-Men now. Seeing Jean Paul reunited with this sister and the rest of Alpha Flight was enjoyable. Now that the title is cancelled, it’s time for Jean Paul to rejoin the X-Men but which team?

While Alpha Flight was on duty, the X-Men were choosing sides between Cyclops and Wolverine.  Both mutant leaders would benefit from having a mutant with multiple powers on one of their squads. Northstar has superhuman speed, durability, can fly and manipulate light. Jean Paul was the first openly gay superhero character. The X-Men have always been a metaphor for minorities, anti-discrimination and acceptance of others who may be different. Northstar is a hero and a positive role model as a confident gay man.

Cyclops could have many different roles for Northstar on his Utopia based team. Given Jean Paul’s speedster powers, he would be perfect for tactical and recon on the Extinction Team or Security Team. When the X-Men first relocated to San Francisco, Northstar proved himself during battles like Secret Invasion and the rescue of Illyana from Limbo.

Logan should welcome Jean Paul to his senior staff at Westchester. Northstar was recruited by Professor X to teach business, economics, French and flying.  Jean Paul’s experience as an Olympic skier and entrepreneur make him a perfect academic instructor. He could be a flying and physical education instructor too. Jean Paul could continue to be a mentor to the younger mutants, especially young gay teens like Anole and Graymalkin.

It would be stereotypical to assume a gay hero would automatically want to be based in a gay mecca like San Francisco. I would love to see Jean Paul and Emma have a night away from Utopia delivering icy barbs and enjoying the finer things in life. The White Queen and the icy Prince out on the town would be fun, clever and expected. I will give Marvel credit. Jean Paul could have been portrayed in various gay clichés over the years.

I hope Marvel will move Northstar to Logan’s team. Jean Paul would be a great fit as a mentor and role model for all the students at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning and for all the scared young kids out there in the real world to see that it gets better – even in comic books.

By Editor

Don’t Mess with The Watcher

Point One #1 from

Marvel Point One lets you peer inside the mind of the Watcher! I assume the Watcher in the just released issue is Uatu. This Watcher has been observing us from the moon for decades and appeared in adventures of the Fantastic Four and X-Men. As I watched the mystery men invade the Watcher’s sanctum I couldn’t help but remember Uncanny X-Men #137 when Wolverine met his match in a brief but funny encounter with Uatu. For more of the Watcher’s encounters in the Marvel Universe visit

Secret Avengers 2012 Lineup Revealed


Secret Avengers 2012 Lineup courtesy

I’m adding a new book to my list in 2012! I’ve been on and off Secret Avengers since it launched. Rick Remender takes over the title next year. Hawkeye is the new team leader. It’s a one, two punch I can’t resist.

With Uncanny X-Force, Rick took the superhero team formula, tossed into nitro and mixed in a wind tunnel. I never knew what to expect. So I have huge expectations for Secret Avengers.

 Comics Vine reveals the new lineup and mission. Black Widow and Valkyrie are sticking around. Captain Britain is an odd choice but Remender make Fantomex work on X-Force. I really love the old school flavor Giant-Man brings. I’m intrigued about Venom. Looks like Remender assembled another wild bunch of rogue heroes for some insane new adventures with the promise of a villainous new alien race.

 Gabriel Hardman is on art. Legendary Arthur Adams will provide covers. To catch up on the Secret Avengers previous covert missions visit

Batman Prologue Rated

Batfans will soon be rewarded! The first six minutes of Christopher Nolan’s final chapter is coming December 16th before Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol. Today Batman News reports that The Dark Knight Rises IMAX prologue have been rated PG-13 according to Box Office Mojo.

The Joker’s multi-cross bank heist set the stage for The Dark Knight. Will the upcoming prologue introduce Bane? We know the cast of characters includes a young Henri Ducard. I’m hoping the prologue includes the Lazarus Pit of Ra’s al Ghul.

The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Poster from Courtesy: Warner Brothers Entertainment