“Oh My Stars and Garters!” which side will Beast take in Avengers Versus X-Men? Marvel’s hairy hero shares a history with both teams. Hank McCoy is a brilliant scientist but he often goes with his heart over his head when it comes to a fateful decision.
Hank is one of Professor X’s original X-Men. After leaving Xavier’s Hank worked for the Brand Corporation where an experiment turned him into the blue hairy beast he is now. The Avengers recruited Hank where he made lifelong friendships with Captain America, Iron Man and other iconic Avengers. Hank always came to help the X-Men in their time of need like the Dark Phoenix Saga but always returned to the Avengers.
Because of government intervention of the Avengers, Beast leaves, briefly joins the Defenders along with original X-Men Angel and Iceman. When Jean Grey is found alive, all 5 original X-Men reunite to form X-Factor for a long run of adventures.

All 5 rejoin the X-Men for many years. Beast used his brains and brawn to help protect the mutant race while facing several ethical dilemmas. Shortly after establishing Utopia, Hank became disillusioned with Cyclops leadership and vision for the X-Men.
Captain America recruited Hank for the Secret Avengers but when Wolverine decides to split the X-Men, Hank answers his call for help. Hank rebuilds the old Westchester school now named after Jean Grey.
Wolverine and Storm are members of both X-Men and Avengers. Beast is back with the Logan’s X-Men but could he go against Captain America and his old friends in the Avengers?
As the Phoenix targets Earth looking for a host, I expect Hank push himself to find a scientific solution even if it means exploring unethical options. Hank has been tested so many times: trying to find a cure for the Legacy Virus knowing that a mutant would have to die in order to save millions or reaching out criminal geniuses like Doctor Doom and Mr. Sinister in order to save the mutant race from extinction after M-Day.

I think Beast will try to be the peacemaker. Hank is a natural bridge between the teams. A shocking decision related to the impending return of the Phoenix is what triggers the war. Cyclops is willing to make more drastic decisions and sacrifices than Captain America. Hank’s disillusionment with Scott has only grown so I would expect him to side with the Avengers. I expect Marvel’s most brilliant yet thoughtful scientist hero to be tested to his limit in AVX.