Batgirl #4 is set on Christmas Eve as Barbara is haunted by the most horrific night of her life. Batgirl’s war with Mirror leads her to relive the nightmare that left her paralyzed. This made Batgirl confront her past and evolve as a character. Barbara uses the Mirror’s tactics to force him to face his own tragic past.
Gail Simone has created a thrilling cat and mouse story that also serves as an empowering survival story. Adrian Syaf’s art make Batgirl dangerous and sexy with heart and strength. Fight scenes are kinetic. Barbara’s scenes with her roommate around the Christmas tree are heartwarming and relatable. I hope critics who were against Barbara getting out of the wheelchair will read this. This is the beginning of a great new era for Batgirl. Barbara receives a holiday miracle in the final panel that should lead to new mysteries for Batgirl.
By Editor