12 Geek-tastic Reasons to Love 2012: Amazing Spider-Man

Spider-Man courtesy theamazingspiderman.com

3. Amazing Spider-Man

  Indie filmmaker Marc Webb (500 Days of Summer) takes Peter Parker back to high school for what the promo poster calls “the untold story” shot in 3D.  

  Andrew Garfield (The Social Network, Never Let Me Go) is the new Spider Man, now with his home-made web shooters and Emma Stone is his first love Gwen Stacy. Rhys Ifans is Dr. Curt Connors. Peter’s mentor who will transform into the Lizard.


Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man courtesy theamazingspiderman.com

  Martin Sheen and Sally Field are Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Denis Leary is Police Captain George Stacy. The untold story may reveal the secret agent past of Peter’s parents played by Campbell Scott and Embeth Davitz

  It may seem to soon for a reboot but I think this new spin on Spider-Man has all the elements to swing big at the box office.

Possible SPOILER: Ralph Fiennes Bond Role Revealed.

Ralph Fiennes courtesy MI6-HQ.com

Ralph Fiennes recently revealed his passion for Ian Fleming’s 007 novels and his role in Skyfall

Movieweb is reporting based on an insider at EON productions that Ralph Fiennes will be….













….replacing Judi Dench as the new M, head of MI6.

If this is true, it would fit with the film’s official plot description of “M’s past comes back to haunt her.”

Remember how her top agent/bodyguard was revealed to be a Quantum mole in Quantum of Solace? Not a good track record.



Top 5 for 1/4/12

Wolverine and The X-Men: Alpha and Omega #1 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #1

Logan’s X-Men survived the attack on the new mutant school but can they defeat an enemy within? Kid Omega challenges Wolverine for dominance of the school and a fan favorite mutants is caught in the crossfire. Writer Brian Wood returns to Marvel for this clash of the mutants. Logan may be the best there is when it comes to a physical brawl but how will he defeat an omega level telepath?

Uncanny X-Force 19.1

Spinning out of the Dark Angel Saga Finale, The Age of Apocalypse version of X-Men make a last stand against Weapon X and meet this dimension’s new heroes, the X-Terminated. Rick Remember sets the bloody stage for a new ongoing Age of Apocalyple #1 debuting later this year.


Fatale #1 cover courtesy Image Comics

Fatale #1

The modern masters of crime comics introduce a new blend of horror and noir. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips throw what looks likes some Lovecraftian terror into the story of a woman on the run, a mobster that may be a demon, and the men caught in their endless struggle.

Avengers: X-Sanction #2

Cable’s mission to wipe out the Avengers ontinues. Last issue left with Nathan holding a gun to Captain America’s head now Iron Man is Cable’s target. Can the Iron Avenger fare any better against the mutant super soldier gone rogue?

Peanuts #1

“You’re in a new monthly comic book, Charlie Brown!” Snoopy and the whole gang in new original stories and never before seen stories from the Sunday strips.


Avengers Assemble – 12 Geektastic Reasons to Love 2012

Avengers Prelude Comic image courtesy Marvel.com

The Avengers Assemble! Marvel’s biggest guns in one movie under the direction of cult hero Joss Whedon. A decade of planning will put action heroes from five movies into one big screen spectacular. Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson are joined by Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk. Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Black Widow unite against Loki and his secret army(speculation is that it’s the shapeshifting Skrulls). Even modern SHIELD creation Maria Hill (Colbie Smulders) gets screen time.

Chris Claremont on Today’s X-Men

This is the image that started my love of comic books! Find this image on Marvel.com

  I grew up on Chris Claremont’s X-Men. My first post on this site was about ‘my first time’ so to speak. Uncanny X-Men #116 was the finale of the X-Men trying to save the Savage Land from Garokk and I was hooked on comics.

  I’ve been there for all the Claremont years, his departure after X-Men #1, his return, and his X-treme X-Men. It’s about following and loving what you grew up with. It’s just staggering to think how he shaped the mutants he inherited and the many he created.

  The man who was a defining force in modern super hero comics hasn’t written a comics script in a year.

  The writer who talked with Chris Arrant of Comic Book Resources about several topics. I was interested in his take on the current state of the mutants he guided for so many years.

  “Over in the X-Men line of titles, I see that there seems to be a structural redefinition of the canon that will substantially change readers’ relationships with the characters, in the sense that some characters who you felt were on one side of the line in behavior now seem to be turning into anti-heroes, as I understand. Wolverine’s become head of the school, and Cyclops has been positioned as a Magneto equivalent, a good soul taking a violently pro-active stance toward mutants’ perceived antagonists in the world. It’ll be interesting to see how that all relates to the readership.”

Essential X-Men Volume 2. Art by John Byrne and Terry Austin. Courtesy Marvel.com

  Claremont has more to say on Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, the state of the super hero movie and his own prose projects at this Robot 6 link.

New Guests for Emerald City Comicon

Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes! courtesy DC Comics

Emerald City Comicon is kicking off the New Year with new guest announcements for the 2012 con.

Chris Burnham‘s work includes Batman Incorporated, Batman Inc: Leviathan Strikes, Batman and Robin, Teen Titans, Fear Agent, Hack/Slash and Elephantmen.

Nathan Fairbairn is colorist on Batman Inc, Swamp Thing and Mystic. His recent work includes Nation X, X-Factor, and Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne.

Ben Templesmith is the best selling artist and writer is best known for 30 Days of Night and Fell. He’s also worked on Doctor Who, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and Star Wars for other publishers.

Bill Willingham is the creative force behind Fables, The Elementals, Jack of Fables and The Literals.

Erik Larsen is the creator/writer/artist of The Savage Dragon and co-founder of Image Comics. Larsen has a long run as artist of Spider-Man.

Aaron Campbell is known for his work on Green Hornet, House of Mystery and Sherlock Holmes.

For the full list of guests and tickets visit Emerald City Comicon. The big event in Seattle is March 30-April 1, 2012.

Ralph Fiennes Reveals James Bond Role


Ralph Fiennes courtesy MI6-HQ.com

 Ralph Finnes reveals his passion for Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels and a little about his role in Skyfall.

  “I used to be a complete nerd about the books and the detail in them. They are fantastic,” Fiennes tells the Daily Record.

“There was Fleming’s obsession different kinds of caviar and champagne. He kind of fetishes these things.”

The casting of Fiennes shook and stirred Bond watchers since Javier Bardem was hailed as the villain so who is Fiennes playing?

 “I’m allowed to say that I’m a government agent.” Fiennes said. Thanks to MI6 for the lead.

Perhaps the character will be part of “M’s past back to haunt her when MI6 comes under attack?”

Winter Soldier Heat

Winter Soldier #1 preview art courtesy Marvel on Robot 6.

  Watching Captain America: The First Avenger again made me long for a possible modern sequel featuring The Winter Soldier storyline. Until then Marvel is giving us The Winter Soldier in his own series. The February debuting tile delivers the essential 4 B’s: Brubaker, Butch, Bucky and Black Widow.

  Robot 6 has the exclusive preview with more images but I wanted to share them. Ed Brubaker teams with Butch Guice on a new series starring Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff with Nick Fury as a supporting character. Russian sleeper agents awaken and the deadly duo could be facing an army of ‘Winter Soldiers.’